Holy Name Society Meeting

St. Mary's on Broadway 538 Broadway, Providence, RI, United States

We will begin with Adoration at 6pm followed by a talk given by Fr. Berg at 7pm. After the talk we will share a meal together and one of our members will give a talk on a saint. The event is open to all men of Saint Mary's who are either married or over 30 ...


Bishop Tobin Visiting for Sunday’s Sung Mass

St. Mary's on Broadway 538 Broadway, Providence, RI, United States

In light of the motu proprio "Traditionis Custodes", Bishop Tobin is coming to St. Mary's in a generous showing of support. He will come to see the growth of the parish and will say a few words of reassurance to the faithful prior to the sermon. We are extremely grateful to His Excellency yet again ...

St. Mary’s Movie Night

CoLab Coworking 2206 Broad Street, Cranston, RI, United States

CoLab will be hosting another Movie night on a Saint. This time we are featuring St. Ignatius since it is also his feast day! We will start with dinner at 7pm and start the movie at 8pm This is  a potluck so please bring a main course, side,  drinks, or a dessert to share. RSVP ...


Reception for Fr. Jackson and Fr. Truong

St. Mary's on Broadway 538 Broadway, Providence, RI, United States

There will be a reception for Fr. Jackson and Fr. Truong following the 10:30 a.m. Mass in the cafeteria of the school next to the church. Let's all give a warm welcome to our new pastor and assistant pastor at St. Mary's. Please bring a breakfast item or baked goods if you are able.

Women’s Sodality Meeting

St. Mary's on Broadway 538 Broadway, Providence, RI, United States

The Sodality of Mary, Mother of Mercy (named after the Marian Altar in the Church) is for women over 21 years old. The chief aim of this chapter, taken from the Sodality’s manual, is “…to foster in the hearts of the members a more than ordinary devotion to our Blessed Lady, in order that, helped by her ...

Holy Name Society Meeting

St. Mary's on Broadway 538 Broadway, Providence, RI, United States

We will begin with Adoration at 6pm followed by a talk at 7pm. After the talk we will share a meal together and one of our members will give a talk on a saint. The event is open to all men of Saint Mary's who are either married or over 30 years of age.


St. Mary's on Broadway 538 Broadway, Providence, RI, United States

Young Adults Group

School Hall

The Young Adults’ Group meets officially once a week. Each meeting consists of talks and discussion, a shared meal, and social activity. The meeting is open to members of the parish and non-members between the ages of 18 and 35 who are interested. Meetings occur on Wednesday evenings following the 6:00pm Mass and Compline.


St. Mary's on Broadway 538 Broadway, Providence, RI, United States

Legion of Mary

St. Mary's on Broadway 538 Broadway, Providence, RI, United States

The Legion of Mary St. Mary’s Praesidium meets every Saturday at 10am in the Church. The purpose of the Legion is evangelize the world with the help of Mary our Mother, and the Holy Ghost. There are many apostolates happening at the St. Mary’s Praesidium including: A Rosary walk around Planned Parenthood Homebound visits Nursing ...

St. Stephen’s Servers’ Guild

St. Mary's on Broadway 538 Broadway, Providence, RI, United States

The Altar Servers’ Guild will meet on the First Saturday of every month after Mass and First Saturday devotion.  Each practice will be followed by spiritual talks and recreation. Low Mass training will usually occur individually.  Please contact the parish office to arrange training. Members of St. Mary’s St. Stephen’s Serving Guild are expected to say these prayers daily and also before ...

Rosa Mystica Girls Society

St. Mary's on Broadway 538 Broadway, Providence, RI, United States

Rosa Mystica Girls Society (RMGS) mission is to help young girls, ages 9-13, grow in faith, virtue, and service, through hospitality, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. RMGS  will meet on the First Saturday of every month following Mass and First Saturday devotion.