St. Mary’s is featured in the New Liturgical Movement’s Immaculate Conception 2018 Photopost!
Formerly, on major Sundays and feast days, the clergy and people of Rome would gather at specific churches where the Pope would celebrate the Office and Mass. These churches were …
From December 7 to December 10, 2018, we will blessed to have a visit from the District Superior of Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter’s North American District, Fr. Michael Stinson. …
For those who attend the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass and would like to practice the Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei for Advent, just click the here! The Alma Redemptoris Mater …
St. Mary’s will hold a sung Rorate Mass in honor of Our Lady in Advent on Saturday, December 15 at 5:30 a.m. Rorate Masses were celebrated, especially in Germany and …
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