The Subdiaconate

The origin of the Subdiaconate has been lost to history. However, the four Minor Orders [Porter, Lector, Exorcist, and Acolyte], as well as the three Major Orders [Subdiaconate, Diaconate, and Priesthood], are all mentioned in a letter of Pope Cornelius to Fabius of Antioch about the year A.D. 250. This shows that the Minor Orders and Subdiaconate were in use both in Rome and Antioch prior to this time. The duties of the Subdeacon include:

  • To prepare the material to be consecrated
  • To bring the sacred vessels to the Altar
  • To chant solemnly the Epistle of the Mass
  • To pour into the chalice the water that must be mixed with wine for the Offertory
  • To serve the Deacon at the Altar and to be thereby a second witness of, and a second cooperator in the Divine Sacrifice
  • To see to the good condition, neatness, and cleanliness of the sacred vessels, purificators, and corporals
  • To bear the Cross in processions
  • To teach catechism or give familiar instruction to grown people, though without ascending the pulpit