Though newly arrived, I have reviewed recent past changes with Fr. Truong and the particular reasons for them, and having heard from and consulted several of you already, Fr. Truong and I think it will be best for the common good to return the Sunday 630am mass to 7am. The Friday mass schedule will return to 11am and 6pm, as I understand there are many homeschoolers who would come to the 11am. Monday-Thursday we will have mass at 7am and 6pm to facilitate the opportunity for all to come to mass, working around their work schedule.
On Holy Days we will generally have mass at 7am, 11am and 7pm, to assure that all can attend.
Eucharistic adoration will be every Friday after the 6pm mass instead of Thursdays, as Thursdays will continue with the regularly scheduled group meetings adding adult catechesis on the other available Thursdays (more details forthcoming). Confessions will be heard during mass on Thursdays as well as before. I would like those who come on Thursday evenings to be able to attend mass and receive Our Lord, and I think Friday is a fitting day for eucharistic adoration in a spirit of reparation.
I understand this is basically the mass schedule you had under Fr. Berg for a number of years and that it worked well. We will attempt to do more rather than less to provide you with daily masses, even if we have to occasionally cancel a mass if one of the priests is on vacation. We are grateful for any feedback as we seek the best schedule to serve all of you.
Weekly Mass schedule starting this Sunday, Dec. 5, 2021:
Sun: 7am, 830am, 1030am (sung)
Mon: 7am, 6pm
Tue: 7am, 6pm
Wed: 7am, 6pm (special schedule Dec 8– 7am, 11am, 7pm)
Thu: 7am, 6pm
Fri: 11am, 6pm (Holy Hour 7pm-8pm)
Sat: 9am (special schedule Dec 11, 6am Rorate sung mass in addition to 9am low mass)
Holy Days- 7am, 11am, 7pm
Divine Office Schedule:
Mon-Thu: ~745am (after 7am mass)
Mon-Wed ~645pm (after 6pm mass)
Other hours like Sext (12pm) and Vespers (5pm) which the priests normally pray together at those times may vary due to priest’s schedule or availability of those who can sing.