This Sunday, February 16 begins the preparation for the holy season of Lent (Quadragesima) with three Sundays of preparation clothed with purple vestments—Septuagesima, Sexagesima and Quinquagesima. It is a time to gradually begin or anticipate one’s Lenten sacrifices. Read more
about this preparatory season in The Liturgical Year by Dom Guéranger – Septuagesima. The French District of the FSSP is organizing a Septuagesima challenge https://caremevirtus.fr/. Another example of a Septuagesima challenge/program from Australia with daily readings from Rev. Hamon S.S. Recommendations for Lenten sacrifices (please consult your priest/confessor for particular advice):
- Beginning Lenten fast three weeks early with exceptions
of Sundays and first class feasts (traditional Lenten fast
was for those ages 18-59 to fast daily with one main
meal and two collations/snacks) - Abstaining from meat or giving up something that is
liked (e.g. alcohol, snacks, desserts, etc.) - Attending Mass during the week (the most valuable
penance of all) - Praying an extra daily rosary
- Giving up social media and video games
- Giving up recreational internet or television
- 20 minutes of daily mental prayer/spiritual reading (how
many have time for 20+ minutes of entertainment but no
time for mental prayer!—“He who prays (mental prayer)
will be saved, and he who does not pray will be