Holy Week 2023

Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday (two Masses note times)
8:00 a.m.:
Low Mass with reading of the Passion (One can stay afterward for Blessing of Palms at 9:30 a.m.)
9:30 a.m.: Blessing of Palms and Solemn High Mass with sung Passion (to end around 11:45 a.m.)

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of
Holy Week
Normal schedule of Masses at 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. – The Passion according to St. Mark and St. Luke are read on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.

Holy Thursday
7:30 a.m.:
Tenebrae (approx. 2 hours)- sung Matins and Lauds
7:00 p.m.: Mass with Eucharistic Procession and Stripping of the Altars (approx. 2 hours) – Collection to help defray Holy Week expenses Adoration till midnight

Good Friday
7:30 a.m.:
Tenebrae (approx. 2 hours)- sung Matins and Lauds
1:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.: Confessions
2:00 p.m.: Stations of the Cross
3:00 p.m.: Good Friday Liturgy (approx. 2 hours) – Holy Communion will be distributed

Holy Saturday
7:30 a.m.:
Tenebrae (approx. 2 hours)- sung Matins and Lauds
7:30 p.m.: Easter Vigil (approx. 3 hours) – Does fulfill Sunday obligation – Donations accepted to help defray expenses
10:30 p.m.: Coffee An’ in school – Some snacks and drinks will be provided, or feel free to bring some goodies to share – Donations accepted to help defray expenses

Easter Sunday
7:00 a.m.:
Low Mass
8:30 a.m.: Low Mass
10:30 a.m.: Solemn High Mass and Blessing of Easter eggs after Mass