On Sunday, October 27, 2019, the Feast of Christ the King, Fr. Rock prayed his First Mass at St. Mary’s Church in Providence, RI. Bishop Athanasius Schneider and other members of the clergy attended.
During the Mass, Fr. Rock was aided by an Assistant Priest (in cope) who helped ensure the ceremonies and prayers were performed correctly.
Entrance Procession Entrance Procession Singing of the Veni Creator Spiritus before the Mass Prayers at the Foot of the Altar First Incensation of the Altar The Sung Gloria The Collect The Singing of the Epistle Blessing the Deacon before the Gospel Incensation of the Gospel Singing of the Gospel Fr. Rock and the Assistant Priest Listen to the Gospel Kissing of the Gospel Book Homily Offering of the Chalice Incensation of the Oblata Blessing of the Host before the Consecration Consecration of the Host Elevation of the Host Elevation of the Host Genuflecting after the Consecration of the Chalice Elevation of the Chalice Elevation of the Chalice Elevation of the Chalice Elevation of the Chalice Reception of the Precious Blood Indulgentiam before Communion “Behold the Lamb of God” “Behold the Lamb of God” Final Blessing Final Blessing The Last Gospel Singing the Te Deum after the Mass Fr. Rock giving his Blessing after the Recessional Fr. Rock with the Ministers and Servers after the Mass Cake at the Reception