Around the inside of the walls of St. Mary’s there are 12 crosses with candle fixtures. These crosses indicate where the Bishop, during the Consecration of the Church (which happened after the Dedication), anointed the walls with Chrism Oil. The following formula is given in the text of the ceremony, which is modified to indicate the patron of the Church: “Let this temple be sancti†fied and conse†crated. In the name of the Fat†her, and of the † Son, and of the Holy† Spirit, unto the honor of God, and of the glorious Virgin Mary, and of all the Saints, and to the name and memory of Saint N. Peace be to thee.”
The 12 crosses and candles signify the 12 Apostles who are the foundations of the Universal Church, reflecting what is written in the Book of the Apocalypse (21:14) “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations: And in them, the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb ”
These candles are only lit at the Easter Vigil and on the feast of the Dedication of the Church.
St. Mary’s is currently in the process of refurbishing her Consecration Candles.
One of St. Mary’s Consecration Crosses Another of St. Mary’s Consecration Crosses